Paula Ferris
Senior Pastor
. . . do justice . . . love kindness . . .
. . . walk humbly with God . . .
—Micah 6.8
Everywhere I go, I find that people are longing for meaning in their lives, longing for love, longing to feel like they belong, that they deserve a place to be themselves. One writer calls it a “God-shaped hole” that nothing but the great divine spirit can satisfy.
Whether you use the word “God” or “higher power” or “sacred” or “divine” or “universe” or “GUS” (Great Universal Spirit), or perhaps, none of these, I want to hear about it!
My purpose is to walk alongside folks as they discover the God that belongs to them and that they belong to God, too. I’m not the only one with such a purpose. And I am grateful to be able to do this through my ministry as a pastor at Fullerton First United Methodist Church. I find no greater joy than living this spiritual journey with others.
. . . walk humbly with God . . .
—Micah 6.8
Everywhere I go, I find that people are longing for meaning in their lives, longing for love, longing to feel like they belong, that they deserve a place to be themselves. One writer calls it a “God-shaped hole” that nothing but the great divine spirit can satisfy.
Whether you use the word “God” or “higher power” or “sacred” or “divine” or “universe” or “GUS” (Great Universal Spirit), or perhaps, none of these, I want to hear about it!
My purpose is to walk alongside folks as they discover the God that belongs to them and that they belong to God, too. I’m not the only one with such a purpose. And I am grateful to be able to do this through my ministry as a pastor at Fullerton First United Methodist Church. I find no greater joy than living this spiritual journey with others.
Everyone discovers their own way. Here’s mine:
. . . do justice . . .
You can read Jesus’ mission statement in the New Testament in Luke 4.18-19. It’s from the Jewish scripture. (Jesus was Jewish.) I believe that the calling for every Christian and every Christian church is to be longing for, praying for, working for justice. My personal passion is working with folks in recovery and their families and friends. What is yours?
. . . love kindness . . .
The world is all about winners and losers. Not in God’s economy. In God’s economy, seeking good for all is the only way to win. In fact, Jesus teaches the impossible concept that love and kindness toward our enemies is, in fact, what makes us winners. My latest practice is to let in that guy who drives up the side of the onramp. How are you practicing kindness?
. . . walk humbly with God . . .
Life is messy for all of us. We all have things to learn. We all have a gift and a calling. And we all fall short. I am seeking to let God help me strive for excellence and give me grace when I fall short. How about you?
It’s more about the journey than the destination. Let’s travel together.
. . . do justice . . .
You can read Jesus’ mission statement in the New Testament in Luke 4.18-19. It’s from the Jewish scripture. (Jesus was Jewish.) I believe that the calling for every Christian and every Christian church is to be longing for, praying for, working for justice. My personal passion is working with folks in recovery and their families and friends. What is yours?
. . . love kindness . . .
The world is all about winners and losers. Not in God’s economy. In God’s economy, seeking good for all is the only way to win. In fact, Jesus teaches the impossible concept that love and kindness toward our enemies is, in fact, what makes us winners. My latest practice is to let in that guy who drives up the side of the onramp. How are you practicing kindness?
. . . walk humbly with God . . .
Life is messy for all of us. We all have things to learn. We all have a gift and a calling. And we all fall short. I am seeking to let God help me strive for excellence and give me grace when I fall short. How about you?
It’s more about the journey than the destination. Let’s travel together.