Bible Studies
A 4-6 week Bible study series opportunity is led by Pastor Paula 3-4 times a year. Check our weekly Newsletter on the home page or contact our Church Office for information about a current study that may be scheduled.

The Aldersgate Chorale is open to anyone who loves to sing. The choir performs an anthem each week, and helps lead the congregational singing. They also perform at special services throughout the year.
Rehearsals are on Thursdays, from 7pm to 9pm. For more information contact:
Steven York, Director of Music
Rehearsals are on Thursdays, from 7pm to 9pm. For more information contact:
Steven York, Director of Music

Bell Choir
The Celebration Bell Choir is open to persons of all ages. This bell choir performs periodically throughout the year, and is a vital part of our music ministry and a welcome addition to the overall worship experience here at FFUMC. They practice on Sunday's after Worship. For more information contact:
John Jaecker Director of Bell Choir
John Jaecker Director of Bell Choir

Heart 2 Heart Women's Fellowship
The Heart to Heart Circle meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm in the Library.
Contact our Church Office for updated meeting information.
Contact our Church Office for updated meeting information.

Care Ministry
The Care Ministry is comprised of a group of adult members who are concerned about the well-being of our church family.
We offer support, encouragement, and connection to members who are ill or injured, have had surgery or are facing the aging process while often having moved to new living accommodations .
We assist pastors by sending cards or notes, making phone calls, visiting and delivering flowers. These small acts of kindness are much appreciated and contribute to the church and its mission.
For more information contact:
Caroline Peterson at (714) 870-8132
We offer support, encouragement, and connection to members who are ill or injured, have had surgery or are facing the aging process while often having moved to new living accommodations .
We assist pastors by sending cards or notes, making phone calls, visiting and delivering flowers. These small acts of kindness are much appreciated and contribute to the church and its mission.
For more information contact:
Caroline Peterson at (714) 870-8132

Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers are lay congregation members trained to provide one-to-one care to those experiencing a difficult time in life, such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or relocation.
Stephen Ministers come from all walks of life, but they all share a passion for bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need.
For more information contact:
Kathy Norris Stephen Ministry Coordinator
Stephen Ministers come from all walks of life, but they all share a passion for bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need.
For more information contact:
Kathy Norris Stephen Ministry Coordinator